Imam ‘Abdul Hayy al-Lucknawi Says in his Biographical work; Nuzhatul Khawatir fi al-Juz’ al-Thani fi i’yan al-Qarn al-Thamin:
‘Maulana ‘Alim ibn al-‘Alla’ al-Indiriti, He is the Shaykh, the Imam, al-‘Alim al-Kabir, Farid ad-Din ‘Alim ibn al-‘Alla’ al-Hanafi al-Indiriti, One f those relied on in the science of Fiqh, Usul and ‘Arabic. He has written Fatawa al-Tatarakhaniyyah in Fiqh which he named Zad al-Safar (or Zad al-Musafar) which he authored in the year of 777 Hijri for the Great Amir Tatar Khan. He named his work after the Amir. The King Fayruz Shah wanted it the work to be named after him which he refused do to his closeness with Tatar Khan”.
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